MRP Situation

Let's AROUND show case study to improve your MRP Process
February 16, 2023 by
K.Kitti Maneerot

AROUND's MRP solution.  The objective of MRP multilevel planning is to create procurement elements at the right time across all relevant BOM levels. The procurement dates for the assemblies and components are calculated from the BOM structure using backward scheduling from the requirements date of the finished product. This enables operation-specific material staging.

MRP Situation in MD04 (Stock/Requirement list), it click to check one-by-one materials too detailed control, this solution help to improve your MRP monitoring that ensure material availability in good time and in
sufficient quantities such as shortage or exceed the inventory.

The single material displays the stock/requirement list.

Improve MRP visibility!

Materials by elements to see each key figure by period such as daily, weekly or monthly and sorting, filter and extraction into excel.

MRP Improvement - Multi-levels Situation Screen
Requirement (dependent requirement) element calculated from standard SAP. In SAP ERP, references are created between requirement and procurement elements to evaluate requirements planning. These references can be seen in the MRP list or in the current stock/requirements list as part of the pegged requirements and order report functions,

Alert stock situation (Exceed or Shortage)
Alerts indicate problems with planning. In SAP ERP, exception messages are displayed in the MRP list (or in the current stock/requirements list). Collective evaluation is possible if you call up (Call-off materials) the collective display of all MRP list report.
K.Kitti Maneerot February 16, 2023
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